Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blog Me Maybe Tuesday - About Me

I signed up for Sara McClung's Blog me Maybe blogfest where the point is to motivate us to blog and share more about ourselves and our writing. Tuesdays are for sharing about yourself, and I decided to be a copy cat and use an A to Z survey E.L.Schneider used since it seems like a cool and easy way to talk about myself.

A is for age: 25
B is for breakfast today: My usual breakfast: yogurt w/granola
C is for currently craving: Breakfast! Since I haven't had it yet
D is for dinner tonight: I cooked baked chicken, rice, red beans, roasted potatoes, and baked pasta so dinner will be yum.
E is for favorite type of exercise: I like step aerobics and kickboxing but also resistance training
F is for an irrational fear:Things coming at my eye (an episode of Buffy did this to me)
G is for gross food: Pumpkin, spinach, eggplant....dislike 'em all
H is for hometown: Trinidad & Tobago (specifically Trinidad)
I is for something important: Being happy
J is for current favorite jam: Guava
K is for kids: Someday
L is for current location: NYC
M is for the most recent way you spent money: On snacks for the movies last night
N is for something you need: To become a published author =)
O is for occupation: Currently in between jobs so I'm gonna say full time writer
P is for pet peeve: When people walk around my house with their shoes on, especially if I've just mopped, but I don't like it in general. I have a shoes at the door kinda policy.
Q is for a quote: The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can. –Robert Cushing
R is for random fact about you: I don't like it when the house is dead quiet, when I come home I usually put the tv or a fan to have some noise around.
S is for favorite healthy snack: Fruits
T is for favorite treat:  My enormous sweet tooth will say....anything in the realm of cake, pastries, and desserts in general.
U is for something that makes you unique: The fact that I'm me? Lol okay that's a cop out answer...um...I can speak Japanese conversationally, which a lot of people can do yes, but I'll narrow it down and say I'm the only one in my family who can, so I'm unique with it there lol
V is for favorite vegetable: I eat veggies but I don't love them enough to have a favorite
W is for today’s workout:Most likely kickboxing
X is for X-rays you’ve had: My spine, my teeth
Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Going to the movies
Z is for your time zone: Eastern


  1. Ooh, great questions and answers!!!

  2. You and I share the eye fear! I have such a hard time going to the eye doctor. LOL

    1. Yea things coming at my eye is not good! lol

  3. What a fun way to tell readers about yourself. I really liked the quote you listed - might have to steal it for my wall.

    Wishing you a very productive #writemotivation month,
