
Sunday, March 8, 2015

That Writing Life

Surprise! I'm still busy and still have not found time to blog regularly. Or maybe that's not really a surprise.

So what have I been up to lately? Affairs two has been turned in to my publisher and I'm eager to start edits on it and get it ready for release, which will hopefully be in April. And even though I didn't think I'd get into book three this quickly, it's on a roll. Which is good because book two is coming out two years after Affairs of the Dead, which is too big of a gap in my opinion but I had great excuses: pregnancy, new mommyhood, and massive writer's block. But I'm determined not to let two years pass before book three comes out so who knows, I may have two releases this year!

So far book three isn't producing any major headaches, I've gotten to about 15k words and still know where I'm going even though I haven't written many notes at all. Definitely a book I'm pantsing. I won't get too optimistic though, I got all the way to the halfway mark with book two before I hit that impenetrable wall. But, it's good to be writing. To be able to incorporate that into my life with everything else I have going on feels very much like a victory. Plus it's exciting to get a series going, I love developing my characters and expanding the world they live in.

On another front, the blog tour business is doing well. Red Moon Book Tours has been open for a little over two months and between current, upcoming, past, and now booking, I've got about seventeen tours. It's challenging, but I enjoy the work, and enjoy helping authors get exposure for their books.

Only bummer in my literary life is that I have not been reading. At all. The time for that just isn't forthcoming. I have a lot of books I've started, and books I want to start. So I guess that's the next thing I have to tackle. For now I'll just be envious of all of you who can read, read, read!