
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hookers and Hangers Blogfest -- Hangers

My entry for the Buccaneer Blogfest can be found here. And before I get to my Hangers, I'd like to say thanks for all the comments on my Hookers, I'm glad people enjoyed my first line. So now here are my hangers:
  • I knew my best bet for getting her laid would be in a strip club where money came first and dignity was a distant second.
  • She smiled at my sarcasm and bid me goodbye as I left her office and went back to the tenth floor and the folder of tasks I had to get cracking on.
  • One, that I was among the small population of necromancers who carried the very illegal ability to reanimate the dead, and two that Micah was the only person who knew that.
  • “My body is alive,” he said, blue eyes fixed on me as though he was willing me to believe him. “I’m just not the one walking around in it.”
  • “Just don’t stand there and watch me sleep. It’s creepy…”
  • Andrew just laughed, pulled me into his lap, and got me out of my underwear.
  • Some girls had all the fun.
  • But, you know, running around the city with Ethan in pursuit of his stolen body could be fun too.
  • “I guess that’s a no.”
  • It was Athena.
  • Our relationship had changed yet again, but I had absolutely no idea what it had changed into.
  • He held me for a little while longer and when we let go, he gently touched my cheek, then headed to his car.
  • Imagine that.
  • It was a beautiful moment among the chaos that had suddenly descended into my life.
  • I pounded my fist against the closed elevator door and screamed, feeling angry and frustrated and devastated.
  • Ghost Ethan was fighting his body jacker.
  • He kissed me again, and we fell asleep with our arms tight around each other.
  • He sighed and started up the car.
  • “We need to head to the office. Now.”
  • I would have laughed at her attempt to side with me under the fear that I’d do what Larry did, but this was one situation even I couldn’t find the humor in.
  • Right now it seemed like all the roads only led to dark places.
  • “Show me how you play this game, Ethan,” I said. “Yelling and cursing at it seems to have helped you these last few days. I want in.”


  1. They're all great, but this is my favorite: But, you know, running around the city with Ethan in pursuit of his stolen body could be fun too.

    I'm intrigued!

  2. I raised an eyebrow at #3, I'm dying to know what's going on here!

  3. I like 1, 4, and the second to last one. These are great! It definitely makes me want to check out the rest of the book!

  4. Wow, your talent is incredible! I really, really love number four!

  5. Oops, clicked the wrong comment button. Duh, me.

    Here goes again:

    “Just don’t stand there and watch me sleep. It’s creepy…”


  6. This one takes the cake, "I knew my best bet for getting her laid would be in a strip club where money came first and dignity was a distant second." The others were great, but this one sold me!

  7. "I guess that's a no." I like that one!

  8. Excellent again! This story sounds awesome! I love hanger #4, I'm hookered and hangered :)

  9. I can't decide between 1, 5 & 8, but they're all good. I'd love to read this story :)

  10. Superb hangers, and so many and all so good! I couldn't pick a favorite.

  11. #1 is AWESOME. But the one about the panties is... I really love getting a sense of your story and characters. This is so awesome. Thanks for participating!!!

  12. I have to tell you that I was randomly clicking through the blogfest participants casually reading and was not expecting your first line. It kind of hit me over the head. Really good.

  13. Amazing lines! Hard to choose but I love these:

    I knew my best bet for getting her laid would be in a strip club where money came first and dignity was a distant second.

    “My body is alive,” he said, blue eyes fixed on me as though he was willing me to believe him. “I’m just not the one walking around in it.”

    Some girls had all the fun.

    Ghost Ethan was fighting his body jacker.

    Right now it seemed like all the roads only led to dark places.

  14. Both your hookers and hangers are all solid. Great work.

  15. These are just as amazing as your hookers! Great job!

  16. '“Just don’t stand there and watch me sleep. It’s creepy…”'

    That would be TOTALLY creepy!
