
Monday, July 23, 2012

Buccaneer Blogfest - What I'm Reading

This week for the Buccaneer Blogfest is all about reading. Today we have to share the last three books we read and what's on our TBR pile.

I just recently finished an ARC of Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass. I got the ARC at Book Expo, and since my cousin decided to start a little book group based on ARCs we got at BEA, I'll be posting a review of Throne of Glass later this week, as well as one for Innocent Darkness by Suzanne Lezar.

Before Throne of Glass I read Eon by Allison Goodman, I really liked it, it was a very interesting story and it was nice to get back to reading high fantasy after reading more urban and paranormal  books. Before Eon I read Die for Me by Amy Plum, which I liked as well, I especially liked her take on zombies, I thought her world building was pretty unique and I definitely hadn't read anything like it before. There could have been a bit more plot development but to me it was a book that's more character driven so I was fine with that.

Now, as for my TBR pile, that just seems to be a list that keeps going! For the BEA book club I have:

Carnival of Souls - Melissa Marr
The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater
The Diviners - Libba Bray
Crewel - Gennifer Albin
Venom - Fiona Paul

And my personal TBR pile, these are the books sitting on my bookshelf waiting for me:

Daughter of Smoke and Bone - Laini Taylor
Until I Die - Amy Plum
Eona - Allison Goodman
City of Lost Souls - Cassandra Clare
Kiss the Dead - Laurell K. Hamilton
Under the Never Sky - Veronica Rossi
Across the Universe/ A Million Suns - Beth Revis
The Immortal Rules - Julie Kagawa

Since I have so many books to read I've been trying to resist buying even more books (so hard!) but I do want to buy more of the adult urban fantasy series I'm reading, I've been on a YA kick so I like to switch off from time to time. But the books aren't going anywhere right? There will be time for them all!


  1. Such an impressive list! Isn't it hard when you walk by a book, any book, no matter where you are, and not stop to look it over?

    1. Oh yes. That is why I've so many books. Then I forget what I have and get it again (I've a list now ^_^).

      I need to find my Cassandra Clare set and give it a look over. Been hearing good things. Now if I can just bring myself to unwrap the box ... -_-

    2. It's almost impossible not to buy books, I literally have to talk myself out of it lol

      I enjoy Clare's books, they're fast reads and give me everything I'm looking for in a book, romance, action etc

  2. I have to say hands down that Laini Taylor's Daughter of Smoke and Bone was my fav book of 2011. SOOOOOO good. Great list there, I may have to steal a few ;)

    1. I'm reading it right now, almost done, really really like it and can't wait for days of blood and starlight!

  3. Ooo a number of those are on my TBR list too! Agree with Daughter of Smoke and Bone. LOVED that one!

    And as my winner for the Hookers :) Feel free to send your first 10 pages to me to critique! (Hopefully I'll be able to lend some help... I'm guessing its already probably pretty amazing haha)


    1. I will send you those pages soon, thanks for picking me as a winner!
