
Monday, February 6, 2012

Platform Building Campaign

Rachel Harrie over at Rach Writes is hosting another Platform Building Campaign. It was a lot of fun last year and was a great way to connect with other writers, so I'm looking forward to more fun with this one. If you don't know what it's all about, check out her blog and sign up!


  1. Just stopping by to say hi. Congrats on completing your WIP in record time. I also write very quickly so I can relate.

  2. Hi there! I'm a new follower... got your link from the campaign! I love being connected with other writers--I'll be stoked for your future posts :D

  3. Hi there! I'm in a campaign group with you and wanted to say hey! Look forward to following you!

  4. Hi. I wanted to introduce myself. This is the first time I'm doing the Campaign and I'm pretty excited about participating and meeting many new writers. I'm looking forward to reading your posts!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hello there fellow campaigner. This is my first campaign. I'm looking forward to learning more about you and your writing.

  7. Hello, we're on the same group for Urban Fantasy and just wanted to come over and say hello :D

  8. I'm a fellow campaigner stopping by to say hi.

  9. I did the last platform and loved it, but didn't jump in this time around :( Next time! Have fun!!

  10. Hi. There's a game of tag that I'm continuing on my blog, and you're it!
