
Monday, November 21, 2011

NaNo Success

Yesterday I hit the 50k word count for Nano and it was pretty satisfying considering there was a short time whenI thought I wasn't going to continue. In my opinion things were against me from the start, I'm a plotter and I had no outline, only a short description, and I had just finished a book and it's usually a few months before I start another. But I went in anyway, and somehow overcame a three day roadblock where I didn't write at all, and here I am, more than halfway through the book and an outline never really materialized. Writing this book has been fun and I'm looking forward to finishing it and happy to have been successful with my first Nano. Then again I think I would have been disappointed if I hadn't won considering I cranked out a book in 12 days once and in general my books take about a month to write. I guess I set the bar high for myself, uh oh! Anyway, to those of you still in the Nano trenches, good luck! Only 9 days left!


  1. WOW! Good for you! I could never do NaNo myself.

  2. congrats! Now, write my nanowrimo for me! =D

  3. Congrats!! That's excellent, and such good timing!

  4. Wow, that's super fast! Congrats!

  5. Congratulations! I am a plotter, too! I haven't been brave enough to try to write a story without an ouline. I think you just gave me the push to give it a try!

  6. Try it! Start with an idea and see where it can take you, I was skeptical that it would work for me but I'm almost at 60k now, it's definitely interesting for plotters to give the other side a try.

  7. Congratulations! And with a week to spare as well :)

    I'm with Maeve - I haven't really ever been brave enough to write without plotting first. However, I do have an idea for a short 50K novel floating around in my head ... Maybe I'll try putting it to paper next November.

    By the way, I love your blog. I'm a new follower.
