
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Book I'm Most Thankful For

Nano is upon us and I've already started typing away, I don't have a full plot outline to work with so I hope I don't run up against a wall, but we'll see. Good luck to anyone out there doing NaNo!

Author Beth Revis (Across the Universe) is hosting a cool 19 book (all signed) giveaway on her blog, and to qualify you have to do a post about the book you're most thankful for, so here's mine. Find out more info on the giveaway: Here.

I'd have to say the book I'm most thankful for is The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I don't tend to re-read books, but The Secret Garden is on the very short list of books I've read over and over, from my childhood well into my teenage years. If I had time nowadays I'd probably still pick it up from time and time. With some books that you read, there is always something about them that instills certain feelings in you that you may or may not be able to explain, and this book is one of them for me. I think what I took away most from this novel is the belief that things can get better once you have faith and perseverance. I loved the innocence the characters had, Mary, Colin and Dickon. Their world was a very small one, but to them it was vast and full of things for them to discover. I love the idea of just finding one small thing in life, no matter what it is, and what it may mean to anyone else, and holding on to it because you find something special about it, and that's what Mary did with the garden. She didn't look at it and see ten years of neglect, see what an overwhelming task it would be to bring the garden back to life again, she started with just one small seed, and eventually the garden blossomed again. I think the feeling the book gave me that the garden was it's own little world, an escape from everything else, where anything could happen (like Colin realizing he could walk) is something I still carry with me today, something that helps me look for the small things in life to find joy in no matter how bleak everything else is.

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