
Friday, September 9, 2011

A Good Week

This was a good week for me writing wise, considering I'd been in a sort of lull for the past few months where I wasn't really working on anything and thus did not feel productive as a writer. First up, I finalized revisions on my last completed novel, after about two months of working on extensive revisions. I also started to send out queries again, so round two of querying is underway. I also started a new book, (adult urban fantasy), which is always exciting, and I'm in that place where all I can think about is my WIP and every chance I get I want to sit and write. So far I've written about 10k words and I'm happy with how the story is progressing so far.

There was also the first campaigner challenge to write a short piece of flash fiction, which was fun to write, and who knows maybe somewhere down the line I'll turn it into something more. The comments I received on it are appreciated!

And lastly, I won a prize pack over at Operation Awesome, which includes two books, a ten page critique, and a custom banner. It's always nice to win.


  1. Congrats on winning, on your writing going well, and on querying. I wish you lots of luck!

  2. Congrats on having a good week! I wish you the best of luck with your next round of querying. =)

    Sorry it's taken me so long to drop by and say hi. I'm in your urban fantasy group!

  3. By the way, I'm giving you The Versatile Blogger award. =) You can stop by my post here to read more:
