
Monday, August 29, 2011

Campaingers - Getting Acquainted

I've been happy to meet my fellow writers in the Urban Fantasy group in Rachel Harrie's Platform Building Campaign, and I thought it'd be good to put together a post that we could use to get to know each other a little better, so I thought up some questions. Feel free to answer some or all; I'm looking forward to getting to know more about everyone. If you come up with additional questions please ask!

*Edit* - I couldn't not answer my own questions right? So here goes:

1) How long have you been writing?
I've been writing since I was very young, but in terms of writing novels I started my first novel at fourteen and haven't stopped since.

2) Are you currently working on a novel?
I have ideas...I'm hoping they work themselves out soon so I can write!

3) What stage of the query/publishing process are you in?
I'm currently doing heavy editing/revisions on my last novel and gearing up to do a second round of querying which includes a re-submission to an agent that had previous requested a partial.

4) What do you think about self publishing? Would you ever do it?
I believe in self publishing although I find the marketing aspect of it daunting. I have self published two of my novels, Black Eden and Wasteland Rhapsody (see links at the side)

5) What kinds of things inspire you in your writing?
Anything! A random thought, something I overhear, something I see on television...

6) What is your favorite book? (or favorite books)
I have a few several books spanning from my childhood through adulthood. These include The Secret Garden, Wuthering Heights, and The Sound of Waves

7) What are you currently reading? (or what is the most recent book you've read?)
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater

8) What upcoming novels are you looking forward to?
Mastiff by Tamora Pierce

9) When you're not writing, what do you like to do?
I love reading, drawing, painting, graphic design, sewing, baking, cooking, watching T.V., music...etc.

I'll add more questions if I think of them. I'd also like to think of other things we can do as a group that could be fun, so any suggestions would be great! So far I've come up with: a group story (I did this during another blogfest and it was fun), or helping each other workshop our first pages/opening lines/query etc.


  1. sweeeet I love filling out forms about myself XD

    1) How long have you been writing?

    Un-seriously, about 20 years. Seriously, about 11-12. (I'm almost 24 for reference.)

    2) Are you currently working on a novel?

    I'm working on about five at the moment, all in various stages of completion.

    3) What stage of the query/publishing process are you in?

    Polishing up/editing/beta-ing a story I hope to be self-publishing this time next year.

    4) What do you think about self publishing? Would you ever do it?

    Well, see above for that obvious answer :P

    5) What kinds of things inspire you in your writing?

    Music more than anything else. The perfect song will clear my writer's block and suddenly that climax I've been sstruggling with for five months will seem clear as day.

    6) What is your favorite book? (or favorite books)

    I don't have one favorite that I love more than anything else. But I consider His Dark Materials one of the big undisputed classics (and one of my biggest inspirations). Right now my favorite series to read is the Kushiel's Legacy series.

    7) What are you currently reading? (or what is the most recent book you've read?)

    A Fest for Crows by George RR Martin

    8) What upcoming novels are you looking forward to?

    I don't follow novel releases, heh.

    9) When you're not writing, what do you like to do?

    Computer games, surfing the internet, music, shopping, general stuff that's just not as cool as noveling~

    I'm all up for a workshop! Always looking for feedback on my openings.

  2. 1) How long have you been writing?
    I've been writing since I was like... 16ish I think. On and off.
    2) Are you currently working on a novel?
    Several actually. I don't think any of them are titled.
    3) What stage of the query/publishing process are you in?
    Not... I don't have anything that close.
    4) What do you think about self publishing? Would you ever do it?
    I would totally do it. I think it's a way of at least getting yourself out there, and with friends and social media, you can advertise yourself at least some, while still working to perhaps get it published professionally.
    5) What kinds of things inspire you in your writing?
    Anything and everything... no one thing specifically.
    6) What is your favorite book? (or favorite books)
    This Present Darkenss or Belgarath The Sorcerer... Can't pick just one.
    7) What are you currently reading? (or what is the most recent book you've read?)
    To be honest, I've had issued reading lately. I did just finish relistening to books 6 & 7 of the Harry Potter series.
    8) What upcoming novels are you looking forward to?
    Nothing right now.
    9) When you're not writing, what do you like to do?
    Graphic design work, jewelry design, general craftyness.

  3. 1) How long have you been writing?
    I've been writing since...elementary school at some point. :)

    2) Are you currently working on a novel?
    I have a few unfinished ones that I need to get my butt going on.

    5) What kinds of things inspire you in your writing?
    Pictures, reading or even just listening to people talk. Sometimes music as well.

    6) What is your favorite book? (or favorite books)
    Ilona Andrews, Jill Myles, Stephen Green, Jim Hines, Stephen King

    7) What are you currently reading? (or what is the most recent book you've read?)
    Just finished Raziel by Kristina Douglas. I have the Books of Amber by Roger Zelazny next that I have to finish.

    8) What upcoming novels are you looking forward to?
    Stacia Kane's 4th Downside, the latest by Jill Myles

    9) When you're not writing, what do you like to do?
    Hang out with friends, cross stitch, spend time with my horses, read, go to movies. :)
