
Wednesday, July 6, 2011


So, I'm happy to be participating in Deana Barnhart's wonderful blogfest. This week we're posting writing related questions on our blogs and hopping around to other's blog and answering their questions. I can't promise my questions are the most provocative or thought provoking, but here we go:

1) Do you read in the same genre that you write?
2) How do you deal with writer's block?

Thanks to anyone who visits and participates!


  1. A.E. thanks for joining in! These are great questions:)

    I do read the genres I write in. In fact, maybe too much. I'm told you should read a little bit of everything, but I love my YA with twists of the abnormal.

    And I deal with writers block by reading a great book (in my genre of course). Something about it gives me the motivation to move forward.

  2. I read a variety of genres, but most of my reading is YA because that's what I write. Gotta know what's out there!

  3. I read a LOT of YA, but I love plenty of adult titles in all genres as well. It depends on my mood :3

    I deal with writer's block by reading something phenomenal. B/c it always makes me go 'I want to write like that' and refuels my motivation.

  4. I read quite a bit in the genres/age groups that I write. Makes for some good research. :)

  5. I've just swapped genres, so I'm reading more MG right now than ever before.

    I don't have enough writing time to get writer's block, but I guess we all have mini blocks then I read blogs and or a book.

  6. I write Young Adult and I read LOADS of it because I LOVE IT!

    When I'm blocked it's usually because I haven't spent enough time thinking my story through in my head. The cure? A long walk. Every Monday morning I go hiking. I call it my plot walk. Back home, to get started on the blank page, I tell myself I only have to write one sentence. Once that first one's out, the rest just flows.

  7. I don't write the same genre that I read. Odd, isn't it? But I do keep current on what's out there, and when I find a book I think isn't dumbed down for teens, I tend to reach for it.

    As for writer's block, I don't think there is such a thing. I think there's a time to write and a time to fester/meditate/relax/vegetate/stew. If you're stuck, take a break and come back when you're fresh.

  8. Before I wrote my first picture book, I read 50 a week for months. Lately, I've been reading YA novels. Guess what? I'm writing a YA novel now. But for fun and when I have the time, I like mysteries.

  9. I prefer to read the same genre I write--though I try to diversify whenever possible. As far as writer's block, I always walk away. No point sitting there staring at the monitor for hours trying to force something that simply isn't coming. I make a point of refusing to think about my WIP. I go do laundry or relax over my favorite book. And then voila! New ideas flood my brain!

  10. Great answers, thanks everyone! I blogged recently about the fact that I read more YA than Adult but nowadays I prefer to write adult, guess I'm an anamoly? lol

  11. I most definitely read in the the same genre I write! :) It helps me to see how others write that genre, what they write about, and what their characters are like. Sometimes it influences my writing, but mostly it just inspires me to keep writing that genre!

  12. 1) Yes! I write urban fantasy because it's my fave genre, and therefore it's my fave to read as well. 2) I'm part plotter, part pantser. I get block if I don't know where I'm going. So, I start with a very loose draft. Like, beginning, middle, end. And at each part, I kind of allow the story to evolve. As I move along, I flesh out the outline more and more, but stay flexible in case inspiration strikes! So, as long as I know the next step in the story, I don't really get block. Laziness is another story :)

  13. Yes I love the genre I want to write for.

  14. I do read in the genres I write. They say you really must so you know what's being done and done well.

    So far I haven't experienced block. If I get stuck on a section of one work, I open up another.

  15. Yes, I enjoy reading the same genre that I write, although I'm surprised that I tend to write YAs that are a little more dark than what I read.

    When I'm suffering from a case of writer's block, I go outside and sit in our rose/herb garden or walk through our walnut orchard down the lane to the pond. If that doesn't work, I start cleaning house and sorting through items. That little bit of control makes me feel invincible about jumping back into my ms. :)


  16. When I'm writing, I only read that genre. I write MG and I get too old if I read anything else while I'm writing. And I do read while I write. But when I'm not writing, I read lots of stuff. And I think writers should. It keeps you well rounded.

    Nice to meet you. I'm following you now!


  17. I read a lot of YA, which is what I primarily write, but I do read adult books too. Probably half and half.

    As for writers' block, I always have more than one project on the go. When I get stuck on one, I go and work on the next one until I'm unstuck.

  18. I do read the genres I write in, mostly YA and fantasy. However, I think it's important to broaden your reading base and introduce yourself to new types of stories. Though I don't write them, I love biographies and cozy mysteries and they've given me some great ideas.

    Writer's block, how I loathe thee. I try not to give the little devil too much power. My Nano writing style, which I often use throughout the year, is to set my timer for five minutes and just write. No spell checking, no fixing errors, just writing. It's a great way to power through a block.

  19. Hi AE, I'm a new follower and fellow BlogFester. Your question is easy for me. Yes, I pretty much ONLY read in the genre I write, that being adult thrillers, mostly psychological ones. But I do read a little bit of YA now and then. And some historical and women's fiction, too.

    And I never had writer's block with my first (and so far, only novel.) I do fear now not being able to come up with a good enough idea for a second one. I mean, I have a great idea, I just haven't worked it through yet. I'm a plotter, not a panster. So that outline looming up ahead is scaring me.

  20. Since I've been writing YA the last couple of years, that is what I've been reading. I love it. I throw in an adult book (not XXX of course) to mix things up once in a while.

    I write and illustrate picture books too, and will continue to love those too!

  21. I read everything. And I've never had writer's block. I usually have to read my last few chapters to get in the mood for serious writing, or I read something else I wrote and think, "hey, maybe I don't really suck!" :)
